Petra Sheehan

Thank you for your work on this and your words about John.  As a newer member I hadn’t spoken to him often, but he was so lovely to people generally. I became familiar with him over the online meetings in the first instance as that’s when I began attending different meetings regularly, but I made a point of it to introduce myself when I saw him recently. He mentioned that he was relieved at being back meeting in the real world and getting that kind of connection with people again. This is the wording of what I put up with the Kieran Allen obituary. As a disabled person, I’m not always able to attend in protests or meetings in person, but I’ll catch up with you in the real world soon. 

Petra Sheehan, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland 


I didn’t know John long, but he was very welcoming and helpful to new members. Such a loss. Difficult to find words to express the grief. Sincere condolences.